Delicious Russian Bitochki Recipe

Delicious Russian Bitochki Recipe

Delicious Russian Typical Bitochki Recipe. The best known Russian food is shchi soup. The basic ingredients are only cabbage and onions. This soup is popular because it does not know class differences, rich or poor. Russians know the phrase "Our food is shchi and kasha (porridge)". Special meals are served on special occasions and Orthodox Church celebrations. When fasting do not eat meat, the Russians make shchi from sauerkraut. Special dishes for Christmas are kutia, and blini for Maslenitsa, and Paskha for Easter. Well, for this time we make bitochki dishes which taste equally delicious with shchi soup. Bitochki is also one of the Russian specialties. If you look at a glance, the form of bitochki's cooking is similar to a patties or patties. For those of you who want to enjoy this bitochki cuisine at home, you can make it yourself by listening to the recipe we will share. So you don't have to go all the way to Russia just to enjoy this cuisine. All right, let's see all about this delicious Russian bitochki recipe.


Ingredients :

  • 450 grams of ground meat
  • 250 grams of champignon mushrooms, cut into pieces
  • 3 pcs of shallots, finely sliced, stir-fry with butter
  • 1 slice of bread, soak with milk
  • 1 chicken egg, shake for a while
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
  • ½ cow flavoring wrap

How to Make :

1. Mix the bread that has been squeezed into ground meat, add cornstarch, whisk eggs, flavorings of beef and shallots, mix well.

2. Form the dough round, roll it over the flour and fry it until it's brownish yellow.

3. Heat a little butter, add champignon, pour milk, give flavor to the cow and lime juice. Finally, enter fried dumplings, simmer for a while.

4. Lift and serve this bitochi dish while it's still warm.

Such is this delicious Russian bitochki recipe. Come on, try and create this recipe according to your taste. Good luck.

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