Fuyunghai Recipe

Fuyunghai Recipe

For those of you who really like to eat and love cuisines from Asia, here I will explain the menu that you must prepare to eat and certainly very easy to make and taste like in a restaurant, okay just go ahead !


2 eggs, shake
1 tablespoon full of starch
Salt to taste
Sufficient mushroom broth
Thinly sliced cabbage
2 carrots, thinly sliced
Sliced onion leaves

How to make:

1. Prepare ingredients. Bring the flour together with a little water add to the egg mixture (how to make the flour not clot).

2. Input salt, mushroom broth. Add vegetables. Stir well.

3. Heat the oil (the oil must be a lot). Fry the eggs until cooked.

If you have always tasted Chinese food in the restaurant, there is no harm in Chinese cuisine in your own kitchen. You can try Chinese Cuisine Recipe above and serve it for families. Would have been nice! Good luck!

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